The Assesment of The Features of Seizures and EEG in Pentylenetetrazol-induced Kindling
Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2006, Vol 23, Issue 2
Background: Chemical kindling is an experimental model of epilepsy and epileptogenesis in which repeated application of initially subconvulsive chemical stimulation induces progressive seizure activity. Objective: The assesment of the features of seizures and EEG in pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced kindling. Material and Method: In this study 24 wistar albino rats were used. Cortical electrodes were implanted in the animals, 35mg/kg PTZ was injected intraperitoneally every other day ,EEG and video recordings were taken for 30 minutes after injection.The seizures observed were staged as 0-5. Kindling was completed ip PTZ injections 19 times, and the total length of the sizures depending on their stages observed after injections was determined. Results: It was observed that while the stage O (absance) seizures of the beginning of kindling were found significantly longer, the stage 4 and 5 seizures were significantly longer at the advanced stages of the kindling. Spike and wave discharges during the stage of 0 and 1, which form the model of absence seizures, multipl spikes during the stage 3 myoclonic seizures, fast multiple spikes during generalized clonic and tonic-clınic seizures were observed in the EEG. Four animals exhibited the charecteristic of limbic seizures throughout kindling process. Conclusions: Generalized seizures were observed both in clinic and EEG, in PTZ-induced chemical kindling. The few limbic seizures observed indicate that limbic structures are also affected during PTZ-induced kindling.
Authors and Affiliations
Fusun ERDOGAN, Aysegul KUCUK, Asuman GOLGELI
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