The Color Epithet as a Figurative Means of the Language of the Feature Text
Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7
The article highlights the role of the color epithet as an important indicator of the individual style of the writer. In particular, the study outlines the specifics of stylistic use of color names in the language of feature works. It is found out that among the lexical means of expressiveness of feature language the most obvious place has such trail as an epithet, by which a certain object or phenomenon is characterized, depicted, explained, evaluated. The color epithets have a significant semantic and stylistic loading in the language of feature works. It is the use of color epithets in the feature language to enhance the figurative and expressive characteristics, to reproduce fully the feature content as much as possible, as well as to provide the language of the feature work with individual personality traits. Particular importance is given to the color nominations for the characterization of cross-images of the poetic world, for the transmission of the feelings of the heroes, for displaying their inner state, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Любов Дика
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