The combination of oxycodone with naloxone – an effective option to treat pain and prevent constipation
Journal Title: BÓL - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 4
One of the side effects of treatment with opioid analgesics are gastrointestinal dysfunction. They arein the clinic in the form of constipation, abdominal pain, loss of apetite, bloats, gastrooesophagal reflux as well as nausea and vomiting, and constipation, which often make it difficult to conduct an effective analgesic therapy. Laxatives which are administered for the prophylaxis of constipation are of limited efficacy in the opioid-related constipations and they are active at the beginning of treatment, the effect occurs because later habit. Currently available in the pharmaceutical market is a combination of oxycodone and naloxone, demonstrating that the analgesic effect while reducing the risk of constipation.
Authors and Affiliations
Jarosław Woroń, Iwona Filipczak-Bryniarska, Jerzy Wordliczek, Joanna Streb
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