The Concept Proposal for Including Small Water Reservoirs in the System of Bike Trails of the Poznan Metropolitan Area
Journal Title: Studia Periegetica - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue 1
The presence of water reservoirs affects the attractiveness of the natural environment as a recreation area. In areas with a small number of lakes even small water bodies, both natural and artificial, can be used as an asset for the development of tourism and cycling. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a concept proposal for including several small water bodies as landscape features of bicycle paths in the Poznań Metropolitan Area. Proposals were prepared for four water reservoirs located in the immediate vicinity of a set of bike trails (Drwęsa – Konarzewo) with a total length of 15 km. The recreational potential of these water bodies is considerable. They are characterized by varying water quality, different state of development and a wide variety of recreational values. It can be expected that the tourist-recreational attractiveness of the Dopiewo municipality will be improved by the natural features of the four water bodies in combination with the bike trails. The proposed concept can be used to strengthen the municipality’s promotion strategy.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Pajchrowska, Barbara Szpakowska
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