The Dialogue Between The Holy Koran And Society
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 26
The Holy Koran revealed in a time period like 23 years. We looked at this time period, we can see some parallellisms between the verses of the Holy Koran and daily life, requirements, demands and social events. This indicates unbreaked link between the Holy Koran and daily life; at the same time the Holy Koran’s actuality. Its actuality can be seen in every time and location. Because it has universal messages. Particularly social changes bring back some changes like mediums, languages, customs in understanding of the Holy Koran. Today it is possible to see serious changes in many areas. In this article, we want to express different approaches to these problems. This article specifically emphasizes that vigorous understanding of the Holy Koran can become true in a dilogue between the Holy Koran and society.
Authors and Affiliations
Mustafa Tekin
On the Translation and Interpretation of Some Koranic Verses
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