The effect of Chlorella suspension on productivity of chickens


The full feeding is one of the most important conditions that form the level of productivity in poultry industry. The value of feeding rations is known to depend not only on the presence of all essential sub-stances in them, but also on the degree of its biological availability. Due to a wide range of vitamins, including fat-soluble, as well as macro- and micro elements in a biologically accessible form in Chlorella composition, Chlorella suspension can be become the useful component in feeding of poultry farming. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the influence of the Chlorella water suspension on growth, daily weight increment and amount of eggs of chicken. The Chlorella suspension was produced by “Samvel Farm Enterprise” in Bilyaivka district of Odessa region, Ukraine. The investigation was carried out on layer chickens of “Brown” breed at the age of 360 days, which were divided into 3 experimental groups: one of them was control group and two were research groups with 300 heads of layer chickens in each. Despite of Chlorella suspension chickens were fed by ordinary animal feeding stuff. Most of the feed composition for all chicken groups consisted of wheat, barley and limestone. The nutritional value of this complete feed involved the presence of the crude protein, crude fiber and necessary amino acids including lysine, methionine. The second chicken group, throughout the experiment during 160 days was fed with a suspension of Chlorella in a concentration of 50 million, and in the 3d experimental group – 60 million cells in 1 milliliter of fluid. The results of research showed that the use of Chlorella suspension positively influences the raise of growth of chickens in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups, which is characterized by the higher absolute, relative and average daily increments. The maximum result was achieved in 2nd experimental group, where the optimal cell concentration in the Chlorella suspension was 50 million cells in 1 milliliter of fluid and daily rate of increment was 30 grams per 1 head. Also after feeding with Chlorel-la suspension egg-laying increased by 12.4% compared to egg-laying of chickens in control group. Con-sequently, the inclusion of Chlorella suspension in chicken feeding allows obtaining poultry products with the maximum consumer qualities.

Authors and Affiliations

K. S. Garbazhii, O. J. Karunskii


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  • EP ID EP592999
  • DOI 10.32718/nvlvet-a9011
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How To Cite

K. S. Garbazhii, O. J. Karunskii (2019). The effect of Chlorella suspension on productivity of chickens. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 21(90), 63-67.