The Effect of Computer-Aided Lesson on the Performance of High School Sophomore Students in Selected Topics Biology
Journal Title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal - Year 2022, Vol 6, Issue 7
This study determined the effect of computer-aided lesson on the performance of high school sophomore students in selected topics in biology at Baras National High School, Baras Rizal. The selected topic is based on the least scored correct response of the Division Achievement Test that given by the researcher. The identified topics are Cell, Reproduction, Life Energy and Organ. A pre-test was developed pilot tested to 50 third years high school students . The test questions were item analyzed and used as the pre test and post test of the study. The used CAI in Biology used in the study is issued by the Department of Education as one of the instructional supplies of the school. The respondents were selected through purposive sampling. It involved two sections of the second year. Each section consists of forty-five (45) students. The first group was the control group who were taught using the traditional method while the second group were taught using Computer-Aided Instruction. Since the used respondents are heterogeneous in nature, variables such as grades are no longer considered in the study. Other variables such as grades of the students is not included since the study focused on the effect of the Computer aided instructional material focusing on the result of the pretest and post- test. The questionnaire checklist used is adopted in the study of Robles. Pre-test was administered to the two groups which was prior to the use of the traditional method and computer aided instruction. After which posttest was administered. The data gathered were statistically analyzed and interpreted. The result of the study was used to develop the enhanced computer aided instructional activities in Biology. Those who were taught the traditional way have an average raw score of 9.04 with numerical value of 75 and coefficient of variation 36.28 of which is equivalent to poor performance. Those who were taught with computer aided lessons in biology got the average raw score of 8.67 with equivalent score of 75 and a coefficient of variat ion of 28.49 equivalents to poor performance. The students performed best in the topic life energy, followed by organ system then by cell structure and performed least on reproduction. Topic Organ System, the F value obtained is 17.971 with p-value of 0.000 which is less than the apha .05, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. There is significant difference between the performance of the students exposed to computer aided lessons and those taught using the traditional method.
Authors and Affiliations
Mar Ocampo
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