The Effect of Immersing Post Hemimaxillectomy Patients’ Alginate Impression In Sodium Hypochlorite 0.5% on Klebsiella pneumoniae Count Over Gypsum Cast

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 1


Pneumonia is a major problem in health that can lead to death which one of the cause is Klebsiella pneumoniae. Post hemimaxillectomy cause communication between the nasal cavity and nasopharynx antrum opens, pathogenic bacteria such as K. pneumoniae can easily penetrate into the oral cavity. Post hemimaxillectomyrequires rehabilitation by fabricating obturator on gypsum cast. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of immersion post hemimaxillectomy patients’ alginate impression in sodium hypochlorite 0.5% on K. pneumoniae count over gypsum cast. This is an experimental study. Sixteen sample were divided into eight groups consisting of control group (two minutes), control group (four minutes), disinfection group (two minutes), disinfection group (four minutes) of the alginate impression obtained from four post hemimaxillectomy patients’. The bacteria K. pneumoniae were obtained from the swab on surface of the impression and cast, cultured on MacConkey’s agar, then counting the number of colonies was conducted. Study results showed there was no growth of K. pneumoniae on MacConkey’s agar after immersing post hemimaxillectomy patients’ alginate impression in sodium hypochlorite 0.5% for four minutes. There was an effect of immersing post hemimaxillectomy patients’ alginate impression in sodium hypochlorite 0.5% for two and four minutes on K. pneumoniae. Immersion alginate impression in sodium hypochlorite 0.5% for four minutes can be used to disinfect the impression of post hemimaxillectomy patients’ because sodium hypochlorite 0.5% is effective to eliminate K. pneumoniae on impression and cast.

Authors and Affiliations

Veronica Angelia1, , Haslinda Zainuddin Tamin1, Dwi Suryanto2 . .


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  • EP ID EP365931
  • DOI 10.9790/0853-1703017581
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How To Cite

Veronica Angelia1, , Haslinda Zainuddin Tamin1, Dwi Suryanto2 . . (2018). The Effect of Immersing Post Hemimaxillectomy Patients’ Alginate Impression In Sodium Hypochlorite 0.5% on Klebsiella pneumoniae Count Over Gypsum Cast. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 17(1), 75-81.