The effect of “Melanizol” suppositories on electrolytes level in rats on the background of experimental vaginitis


Topicality. The homeostasis of micro- and macroelements is closely related to the physiological processes occurring in the body. Ions Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Cl- predominate in the composition of the vaginal fluid of women, their content normally regulates transudation of substances through the mucous membrane of the vagina and plays an important role in the processes of supporting the vagina local immunity. Changing the concentration of chemical elements can indicate infectious-inflammatory diseases, dysbiosis of female genital organs. Aim. To study the balance of micro- and macro elements against the background of experimental vaginitis in rats weighed down with Escherichia coli and during treatment with the new vaginal suppositories “Melanizol”. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the model of the vaginitis weighed down with Escherichia coli in female rats. The efficiency of the treatment was determined by changing the levels of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Fe2+ in vaginal fluid and in serum. Results and discussion. As a result of the experiment, it was mentioned that in the composition of blood chemical elements and vaginal content against the background of vaginitis there were various trends in their changes. Significant changes in electrolytes level were not observed in blood, in contrast to the vaginal fluid. It was established that “Melaninol” vaginal suppositories significantly increased the content of Ca2+ and Fe2+, reduced the concentration of K+ and Na+ in comparison with the animals of the control group and exceeded the efficiency of the reference drug Gravagin. Conclusions. The obtained data allow us to recommend the vaginal suppositories “Melanizol” for studying as a means of nonspecific vaginitis treatment weighed down with Escherichia coli.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Dolzhykova, L. N. Maloshtan


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  • EP ID EP661111
  • DOI 10.24959/ubphj.19.226
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How To Cite

O. Dolzhykova, L. N. Maloshtan (2019). The effect of “Melanizol” suppositories on electrolytes level in rats on the background of experimental vaginitis. Український біофармацевтичний журнал, 60(3), 57-62.