The Effect of Perception on Head Master’s Supervision, Organization Culture and Achievement Motivation Toward Teacher’s Performance of Private Junior High School (MTs Swasta) 44 Area Deli Serdang District.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1
The purpose of this research are to find out: 1) the effect of perception on head master’s supervision toward achievement motivation, 2) the effect of organization culture toward achievement motivation, 3) the effect of perception on head master’s supervision toward teacher’s performance, 4) the effect of organization culture toward teacher’s performance, and 5) the effect of achievement motivation toward teacher’s performance. This research method is path analysis quantitative research. The population is 239 private junior high school of 44 area Deli Serdang district and the sample 139 by using Isaac and Michael. The research instrument is questionnaire with Likert scale. Research data is processed and analyzed by using path analysis. The path analysis is started with normality analysis through Lilliefors formula, Homogeneity test through Berlet and Linier and Regression. Based on hypothesis test, it is concluded that: (1) there is an direct effect perception on head master supervision toward achievement motivation, it is showed by tcount= ρ31>ttableα=5%(5,1931 > 1,645); (2) there is an direct effect organization culture on achievement motivation, it showed by tcount= ρ32>ttable α=5%(3,09315 > 1,645); (3) there is an direct effect perception on head master supervision toward teacher’s performance by tcount= ρ41 >ttable α=5%(4,15118 > 1,645); (4) there is an direct effect organization culture toward teacher performance, it is showed by tcount= ρ42 ttable α=5%(2,10739 > 1,645.); (5) there is a direct influence of achievement motivation on teacher performance, it is showed by tcount= ρ43>ttable α=5%(2,32026 >1,645).
Authors and Affiliations
PutriKhairani Lubis, Darwin . , Restu .
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