The effect of spring fertilization with different sulphur fertilizers on the quality and quantity of seed yield of winter oilseed rape ES Saphir cultivar

Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2011, Vol 32, Issue 1


The Department of Crop Production, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, carried out small plot one-factor experiment on the effect of different sulphur fertilizers on the quality and quantity of seed yield of ES Saphir hybrid cultivar of winter oilseed rape in the years 2006–2009. Sulphur fertilizers were applied in spring at the rate of 60 kg·ha-1. The highest seed yield and the highest yield of fat and protein were obtained with ammonium sulphate and lower with gypsum, potassium sulphate and Wigor S, respectively. Fertilization with ammonium sulphate increased the seed yield by 12%, the fat by 9.9% and the total protein by 14.2% as compared to the control. Sulphur fertilizers increased glucobrassicanapine concentration and the total amount of alkene and indole glucosinolates. The totals of glucosinolate were the least affected by potassium sulphate, as compared to the control, and the highest effect was recorded for gypsum – the increase by 10.2% and 26.7%, respectively. Sulphur fertilization did not modify the fatty acid composition, which in the case of stearic acid (C18:0), and linolenic acid (C18:3) was influenced by weather conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Malarz, Marcin Kozak, Andrzej Kotecki


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How To Cite

Włodzimierz Malarz, Marcin Kozak, Andrzej Kotecki (2011). The effect of spring fertilization with different sulphur fertilizers on the quality and quantity of seed yield of winter oilseed rape ES Saphir cultivar. Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops, 32(1), 107-115.