The effectiveness of marine magnetic surveying for mapping the location of anthropogenic objects in the Baltic Sea
Journal Title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego - Year 2017, Vol 32, Issue 1
The aim of the paper is to present the use of marine magnetic surveying for mapping the location of anthropogenic objects on or buried in the seabed. The main purpose of collecting magnetic data is to detect local sources of increased magnetic field intensity, and to indicate the presence of ferromagnetic objects in the investigated area. The work contains the results of researches carried out in the Baltic Sea area by the Maritime Institute in Gdansk. Hydromagnetic surveys are implemented mainly in the framework of pre-investment studies in order to inventory objects in the sea bottom, which can hinder the construction of subsea installations or affect the technological process of construction. Based on the interpretation of measurement results the occurrence of anthropogenic objects such as wrecks, linear objects (e. g. gas pipelines, cables, trawl wires) or munitions can be determined.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Kubacka, Agnieszka Brzezińska, Łukasz Gajewski
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