The First Census of Adilcevaz Township (30 Rebiyülevvel 1252/15 July 1836)
Journal Title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 4
19 th century, many improvements and changes in the Ottoman Empire has been experiencing. One of these changes is census. By the middle of the century with a census was conducted in the entire country. The first modern population census in Otoman Empire was made in 1831, Mahmut the 2nd’s era. These changes made throughout the Empire and the census, the state’s general population as well as the structure reveals important information on a local basis. About this article we have tried to make the presentation and evaluation in the Prime Ministry Otoman Empire Archives ‚Van Eyaleti, Van Sancağı, Adilcevaz Kazası Müslim Nüfus Defteri‛ Adilcevaz population Book, under number 2792’s. Information in the book, districtand villages have been taken under examination and area’s socio-economic state is discussed. The book register there are characteristics of people (long-haired, bearded, black bearded, grey bearded, naturally lacking bearded and tall), their ages and jobs.
Authors and Affiliations
Zülfiye KOÇAK| Yrd. Doç. Dr. – Arş. Gö, Hasan TAŞKIRAN| BEÜ, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü
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