The Framework and Guidelines for Sociological Research on Social Competency: The Case of Water Transportation Workers
Journal Title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue
The paper analyses contemporary interdisciplinary approaches to a meaningful understanding of social aspects of professional interaction, workplace communication and soft skills development through the prism of the social competence category. U.Kanning’s model of social competence has been used to explore the mechanisms of interaction between job factors and social skills, which is linked to a person’s career development. The author has also identified methodological guidelines for comprehensive sociological research into social competence of employees working in a particular area of the economy, suggested a new framework for studying this phenomenon and presented the results of testing social competence among water transportation workers. Further research on social competency involving prospective water transportation workers is necessary, first, due to the adoption of workplace communication standards for this economic subsector; second, in the context of an employee’s personal development goals and social environment requirements.
Authors and Affiliations
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