The genesis of local taxation in Ukrainian independence time

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 6


Financial independence issues is gaining an importance of the local self-government bodies, through the prism of the fiscal decentralization. In current time the main characteristic is the constant increasing in the share of rate taxes and levies of the income in local Ukrainian budgets. However, this tendency does not always take place during the independency of Ukraine. This article provides an analyze of the legal regulation in collectioning of rate taxes and fees before and after the adoption of the Ukrainian Tax Code. For example, a generalized description of the efficiency and expediency of its collection is provided in Odessa. Regarding to the cons of legal regulation in the period up to 2011 are the lack of fiscal direction, the impossibility of introducing all rate taxes and fees in the certain territory and the existence of an unreasonably expanded list of rate taxes and fees, that caused the tax base's relative weakness of the revenue part in local budgets. Several cons were eliminated after the adoption of the Ukrainian Tax Code. However, scientists have repeatedly paid attention to the imperfection of legal regulation also of the current time. The author pays attention to the fact that the formation process of the local taxation system is not completed. Being insufficient is the main problem with the amount of financial resources that accrue due to the collection of rate taxes and fees in local budgets. The existing taxes are not aimed to stimulate an entrepreneurial activity, the development of local infrastructure, etc. In this issues, the urgency of ensuring a balance between public and private interests remains relevant. The achievement of this balance is possible only if such a system of taxation is in a place that will meet the principles of equity, certainty, convenience and economy for taxpayers and, at the same time, will ensure an efficient and sufficient flow of financial resources to the budgets.

Authors and Affiliations

Анастасия Боксгорн, Anastasia Boxgorn, Анастасія Боксгорн


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Анастасия Боксгорн, Anastasia Boxgorn, Анастасія Боксгорн (2017). The genesis of local taxation in Ukrainian independence time. Lex portus, 8(6), 38-47.