The goal of the truth in forming the conscience

Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1


Conscience, which is own only to human being, has some specificity hidden inside. It is known by the religious people as well as by those who are non-believers. That specificity can be stated by the wish for truth and subsequently for acts, which are kindred with it. There are never enough specialist or scientific discussions about the truth, so this article can also be the part of the rich mosaic of views to this phenomenon. It will be the view of Catholic church, which is focused on human, his conscience, under the angle of view of divine revelation, traditions and the teaching of magisterium (mainly the statements of the two latest popes).

Authors and Affiliations

Miroslav Lyko


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  • EP ID EP302535
  • DOI 10.34017/1313-9703-2018-1(11)-67-70
  • Views 76
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How To Cite

Miroslav Lyko (2018). The goal of the truth in forming the conscience. ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ, 6(1), 67-70.