The Historical Perspective Of Medical Science In Ancient India
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 7
A high quality of Medical Knowledge was prevalent in ancient India. The present day Archaeological evidences of Mohenjodaro and Harappa imparts the high civilization in matters of sanitation and hygiene. An analysis of the material in the Vedas reveals that, all the four Vedas replete the references regarding various aspects of medicine. Indian medicine has a long history, and is one of the oldest organized systems of medicine. Its earliest concepts are set out in the sacred writings called the Vedas, especially in the metrical passages of the Atharvaveda, which may possibly date as far back as the 2nd millennium BC. The Atharvaveda is deemed to be an encyclopedia for medicine "Interalia", and Ayurveda (the science of life) is considered as Upa Veda (supplementary subject) of the Atharva Veda... In the Atharvaveda also certain herbs and metals endowed with medicinal properties were given divine attributes and were worshipped. The Medical science was first systematized and provided with a rational basis by Charaka and Susruta. They wrote two standard books on medical science viz. Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita respectively. These books were written almost a thousand years after Atharva Veda. It is believed that Charaka wrote earlier than Susruta. Generally Charaka’s book is assigned to the pre- Buddhist era. The medical science also made much progress during ancient India. We find the earliest references about the curative art in Rig Veda which ascribes divinity to various herbs and plants. We, however, learn from the Vedic literature that during the Vedic period the medical profession had become more or less hereditary, although the position of the people of this profession was comparatively quite inferior. The first decisive step to positive science in ancient India was in the field of medical sciences. In the present article a few glimpses of medical Science as prevalent in the ancient India has been presented here.
Authors and Affiliations
Vinay Kumar
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