Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 4
Myths have fascinated people since the most remote times. Gods and heroes appeared inliterature and art. The ancients used to explain the world through myths – natural phenomena,the origin of Man, dependencies between different regions. Aegean myths areseen to be particularly interesting in this aspect, since they show the intricate relationshipsbetween Crete and Attica, which changed with the course of history.Did the Labyrinth really exist? How can we explain the existence of a creature that washalf human, half bull? What was the thread of Ariadne? Why did the Athenian Daedalus,a genius architect and constructor, end up in Crete? Answers to these and other questionscan be found in Aegean myths, which the author attempts to presents in the followingarticle.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Hołomej
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