The idea of pleasure in the moral and ethical component of the Ukrainian church sermon of the XVII century.

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1


The article is devoted to the study of the concepts of pleasure in the moral and ethical component of the Ukrainian church sermon of the XVII century on the example of the preaching heritage of Anthony Radivilovsky. The purpose of our research is the analysis of interpretation specifics of the pleasure concept in the homiletics heritage of Antoniy Radivilovskiy. Methodological framework of the research are general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, contextual and genetic approaches, germeneutic method. For the first time, the vision of Ukrainian Church thinkers of the baroque epoch about pleasure as a type of happiness was researched, taking texts of Antoniy Radivilovskiy as an example. It is shown that on the example of the idea of pleasure in the texts of Anthony Radivilovsky we can observe the process of formation of the moral and ethical paradigm of the Ukrainian spiritual culture of the Baroque era. It is established that the preacher does not condemn the moderate pleasure of life, but warns against excessive abuse of earthly pleasures. It is proved that Anthony Radivilovsky rejects the hedonistic interpretation of happiness as physical satisfaction. These ideas are a manifestation in the texts of the Ukrainian thinker epicurean tendencies of the interpretation of happiness, as spiritual peace, well-being, lack of experience and bodily suffering.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Spivak


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How To Cite

V. Spivak (2017). The idea of pleasure in the moral and ethical component of the Ukrainian church sermon of the XVII century.. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 160-168.