
As many years of practice and modern media show, one of the main indicators of human nutrition is the use of protein of animal origin. According to domestic and foreign authors, this problem cannot be solved without intensive management of all branches of livestock, especially pigs. The efficiency of pig farming depends on many factors, the main of which is a complete nutrition that helps to identify the genetic potential productivity of pigs. Regardless of the accepted technology of pork production, the system for growing piglets is one of the most important technological processes, the outcome of which depends on the final zootechnical and economic indicators of the entire industry. The main criterion for the growth and development of piglets is their live weight. Established that they grow and develop well, if at birth, the live weight of one head is 1.2 - 1.5 kg. And the weight of piglets at weaning at 21 days should be more than 6 kg, when weaning at 28 days - more than 8 kg. However, despite the planned targets, most farms do not get the desired result. It is known that the live weight of piglets on the day of weaning significantly influences the cost of growing 1 kg of additional weight of piglets at weaning, as a result of a reduction in the cost of 5%. Thus, the urgent issue is the intensification of the growth of piglets in the suckling period, which contributes to an increase in their live weight as a result of an increase in the economic efficiency of pork production. The aim was to investigate the effect of dietary supplements on the intensification of the growth of piglets and their safety. Materials and methods of research. The experiments were conducted on purebred sows (The Large White) of the second, third and fourth farrows, of which two experimental and control groups were formed (n=7), which had a live weight 200-220 kg. Animals were analogues by breed, live weight, number of piglets in the litter, number of farrows. Sows were artificially inseminated with sperm of the breed of Piétrain. Experimental sows were kept in individual gestation crate. For 5 days before farrowing the sows were transferred to the farrowing room. The farrowing was stimulated by the analogue of Prostaglandin F2α – Estrofan. Experimental animals of group I were fed a three-day preparation Glutam 1M in a volume of 20 ml at a rate of 9 mg / kg of live weight in combination with germanium nanoaquachelate in a dose of 5 μg / kg of live weight for 4 days before the farrow and 10 days after. Sows of the experimental group II after a farrowing period were fed a three-day preparation Glutam 1M in a volume of 20 ml at a rate of 18 mg / kg of live weight in a complex with germanium nanoaquachelate in a dose of 5 μg / kg of live weight for 4 days before farrowing and 10 days after. To the basic diet of the animals in the control group during this period was added a saline in a volume of 20 ml. Preparations of germanium nanoaquachelate and Glutam 1M were individually fed to the experimental sows in the morning each day by adding it to dry food SK-16 in accordance with the scheme presented in Table 1. In the diet of sows before farrowing the amount of dry feed was 4-5 kg per day. After the farrowing amount of dry feed is gradually increased to 15 - 18 kg per day. Research results and discussion. The analysis of the data showed that live weight of newborn piglets in the I experimental groups was less than in the control group at 3.12 % and at 8.12 % (Р < 0,05) in the second experimental group. On the 21st day of the suckling period, the live weight of the piglets exceeded the control animals by 8.39 % (Р < 0,05), while the piglets of the second experimental group had a live weight lower by 4.11 % compared to the control. On day 28th day of the suckling period when piglets were weaned from the sows, the live weight of the piglets in the first experimental group exceeded the control animals by 8.37 % (Р < 0,001) and in the second group it was lower by 4.12% than the control. Also, the weight of the piglets of the second experimental group was lower at 11.52 % (Р < 0,001) compared with first experimental group. Consequently, feeding to the sows the complex of preparations of germanium nanoaquachelate in a dose of 5 μg / kg of live weight for 4 days before farrowing and 10 days after, and Glutam 1M in a volume of 20 ml at a rate of 9 mg / kg of live weight 3 days after farrowing probably (Р < 0,001) stimulates growth of live weight to a greater extent compared with the control and the second experimental group at 8.37 % and 11.52 % respectively. Absolute growth over the period was significantly (Р < 0,001) higher in the first experimental group by 13.6 % compared with the control, and 13.7 % compared to the second experimental. In addition piglets of second experimental group inferior control according to figures by 2.1 % - the difference is not significant. Consequently, feeding sows with germanium nanoaquachelate in a dose of 5 μg / kg of live weight for 4 days before the farrow and 10 days after in a complex with Glutam 1M in a volume of 20 ml at a rate of 9 mg / kg of live weight three days after farrowing is likely (Р < 0,001) to increase the growth rate of the piglets by 13.6 % compared with control. The survival of piglets in the suckling period depends on many factors: on the origin, living conditions, functional state of all systems of the organism of the piglets. This period is characterized by unstable physiological functions of the body, metabolism, which can lead to a decrease in the intensity of growth and even to their death. Analysis of data showed that survival during 21 days of suckling period in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups was higher by 19 % than control. While on 28th day of the suckling period in the I group, it exceeded control by 18.1%. It should be noted that the surviving of piglets during the whole suckling period were the highest in the second experimental group compared with the control group and the group I by 19 % and 10.9 % respectively. Consequently, feeding sows with germanium nanoaquachelate in a dose of 5 μg / kg of live weight for 4 days before the farrow and 10 days after with Glutam 1M in a volume of 20 ml probably increases the survival rate of piglets during 21 days of suckling period by 19 % (P <0.001 - I group, P <0.01 - II experimental) compared with the control.

Authors and Affiliations

K. V. Zakharchenko, M. V. Seba, M. E. Martynova, V. G. Kaplunenko


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K. V. Zakharchenko, M. V. Seba, M. E. Martynova, V. G. Kaplunenko (2017). THE INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE GRUGS ON GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF PIGLETS. Науковий вісник Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Серія : Технологія виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва, 1(271), 102-109.