The influence of exercises with elements of Sherborne Developmental Movement on the psychomotor development of children between first and second year of life

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 56


[b]Aim of the work.[/b] The purpose of work was to determine the influence of exercises with elements of Sherborne Developmental Movement (SDM) for the psychomotor development of children between first and second year of life. [b]Material and methods.[/b] The examination included two groups with 14 children in each. The age of participants was located between 12 and 24 months of life. The first group of children for three months systematically once a week has attended on 45-minute classes with Sherborne Development Movement – 6 boys and 8 girls were in it. The other 5 boys and 9 girls constituted the control group. To evaluate children’s behavior the Bogdanowicz scale of observation (SOZ-D) was used. Examining the experimental group was conducted twice, on the first and the last session. Obtained results were statistically analyzed by the Statistica 9.0 program. [b]Results.[/b] Examined groups in no parameter differed statistically significant between themselves in the first examination. Conducted exercises contributed to the acceleration of psychomotor development and after three months period, characteristic differences among groups were observed in two subscales (emotional develop-ment p = 0.013; social development p = 0.025). [b]Conclusions.[/b] Judging the SDM influence on the development of children, it is possible to state that in all subscales we noticed a growth of results. Similar changes were observed in both groups. To separate what is associated with the natural development of the child, from the influence of the SDM sessions, one should pay attention, that in spite of the lack of important differences among groups in the first examination, the cycle of SDM classes had a positive effect on the examined group and it contributed to significant diversifying both groups after the period of three months. The method had a positive effect on the development of children, with the special change in the cognitive sphere. Children participating in the three month session of SDM demon-strated the better orientation of the own body, the development of imagination and the ingeniousness.

Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Adamczyk, Małgorzata Polkowska, Dariusz Boguszewski


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How To Cite

Jakub Adamczyk, Małgorzata Polkowska, Dariusz Boguszewski (2011). The influence of exercises with elements of Sherborne Developmental Movement on the psychomotor development of children between first and second year of life. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 21(56), 85-90.