The influence of religious terms on the vocabulary of English


In article division of a lexicon of language into layers, one of which is terminological lexicon, the place of religious terms in terminological layer, is investigated. Also the question of influence of religious terms on various lexical layers of English, including semantic changes in the words used in metaphors, the resulting transfers of semantics of religious words is studied. In the course of the research such facts as the polysemy which has arisen owing to change of the word meanings expressing the events and the facts connected with religion and also enrichment of dictionary structure of language by loan of religious terms have received the confirmation.

Authors and Affiliations

Рахшан Рамиз гызы Бабаева


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How To Cite

Рахшан Рамиз гызы Бабаева (2017). The influence of religious terms on the vocabulary of English. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія», 30(2), 4-8.