The Influence of the Individual Pattern of the Lower Limbs of the Sport Walker on the Moving Torso and Upper Limbs' Movement Ranges During the Start Speed

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 30


Introduce: In the previous researches very rarely the subject of the symmetry and asymmetry of the movement technique of the athletes achieving the world highest level in the sport walking was undertaken.Goal of the research: The estimation of the asymmetry range in the individual technique pattern of the sport walking of the contestant presenting the international master class level (7th place during the Olympic Games in Athens) using Vicon system which helps in accomplishing three-dimensional analysis of movement.Methods and resources: Measurement experiment. The registration of the lower and upper limbs movement and torso, shoulders and head's angular changes ranges in presentation multimedia file created in the Polygon application was used. The arithmetic averages of the tested movement parameters from 20 walking cycles during the steady speed of 3,91±0,28 m · s-1 were estimated. The gathered material was the base for compiling the multimedia report, which included information regarding: angular changes, bone points' movement trajectory, three-dimensional visualization of the bone structure and muscles detachments. The ranges of movement of the upper limbs joints (in three surfaces in the shoulder joint, in frontal and sagittal surface in the elbow joint), spine's loins segment, thorax and head (in the frontal surface), body weight center's trajectory in the frontal surface were estimated.Results: Biomechanical description of the individual technique pattern of the sport walker allowed to claim the appearance of the asymmetry in the analyzed parameters. Although the range of the occurrence was in the particular parameters slight, in every case was undesirable. Claimed pattern of technique influenced on so called lower right limb functional shortening and lead to asymmetrical pelvis movement, spine's loins segment and thorax and upper limbs. The consequence of this displacement was trouble with sport walking rhythm and increaseof the physiological effort cost.Conclusions: There is a necessity to correct the technical pattern of the sport walking of the tested contestant by reducing or leveling asymmetrical work of the upper and lower limbs and asymmetrical movement of the hips and shoulder belt segment and head. Accomplished materials, difficult to achieve by using simple eye description, can be used in undertaking many actions leading to improve sport results of the tested athlete.

Authors and Affiliations

Wiesław Chwała, Wacław Mirek, Edward Mleczko, Tadeusz Ruchlewicz


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How To Cite

Wiesław Chwała, Wacław Mirek, Edward Mleczko, Tadeusz Ruchlewicz (2005). The Influence of the Individual Pattern of the Lower Limbs of the Sport Walker on the Moving Torso and Upper Limbs' Movement Ranges During the Start Speed. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 15(30), 31-38.