The influence of “The Lvov School of Dentistry” on the evolution of odontology in Wroclaw after World War II
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2008, Vol 61, Issue 12
The history of the so-called Lvov School of Dentistry dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. It was founded by a remarkable physician and humanist, Professor of Medicine Antoni Cieszyński. He is credited with numerous diagnostic-therapeutic methods and scientific discoveries, especially in anaesthesiology of the oral cavity, maxillofacial surgery and dental radiology. Professor Antoni Cieszyński was murdered by the Nazis in Lvov in 1941. After World War II, due to the territorial changes in Poland, Lvov remained outside the country. Therefore, Professor’s colleagues and students carried on his work in Wrocław. In 25 years (19451970) they built a full organizational structure of the academic odontology, including the Department of Dentistry (1947) with its basic organizational units, like university chairs and teaching hospitals. They also educated a large group of both dental practitioners and doctors who carried out scientific research and teaching.
Authors and Affiliations
Norbert Prudel, Jan Rauch, Alfred Puzio
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