The knowledge of physicians about notifiable diseases in a University hospital
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 42, Issue 4
Objective: In the present study, evaluation of knowledge levels of the physicians practicing in different services of our hospital about notifiable infectious diseases (NID). Methods: The present study was a questionnaire and applied to 105 volunteer individuals including academic personnel and residents in Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospitals in 2015. Results: Volunteer physician participants of our study consisted of 77 (73.3%) males and 28 (26.7%) females. When the physicians were evaluated according to the age range, 63 (60%) were between 24-30, 21 (20%) were between 31-35, 14 (13.3%) were between 36-40 and 7 (6.7%) physicians were at 41 years and over. We detected that 90 (85.7%) physicians felt themselves ineligible about NIDs. In the present research, no significant statistical difference was detected between the age group, title, practice period and knowledge level (p>0.05). When knowledge level of the physicians based on the departments, a statistically significant difference was found in knowledge of the departments of which in-service training about NIDs were provided such as Medical Microbiology, Chest Diseases and Public Health departments when compared with other departments (p<0,05). Conclusion: Longer professional experience, title, age and gender factors are not effective on the knowledge level about NIDs; however, higher knowledge level about NIDs in the departments interested in this subject of which in-service training was provided about NIDs reveals the supporting fact that knowledge level is associated with training. Including NIDs into the topics of top priority for orientation training topics and in-service trainings will be useful. Key words: Notifiable Infectious Diseases, Diyarbakır, Physicians
Authors and Affiliations
Mustafa Korkmaz , Cem Uysal, Ubeydullah Durmaz, Özgür Ezin, Özcan Deveci , Davut İpek , Yılmaz Palanci, Nezahat Akpolat
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