The Manifestation of Micro Acts in TV Commercials of the Products Intended for Men

Journal Title: Kalbu studijos / Studies about Languages - Year 2010, Vol 17, Issue 0


attributable to the text by people, presumptions, goals, types of action (for example, requests, promises) that are accomplished through speaking are analyzed. Such an approach to the text is especially relevant when analyzing TV ads as the main goal of advertising is to persuade and convince the addressee, whereas researchers are interested in finding out what implied notions are attributed to the undistinguished - as it may seem at first glance - texts of the advertising. This paper deals with the application of the Speech Act Theory for consideration of TV ads of the products intended for men. The objective of this paper is to analyze acts functioning in the commercials. The topic of this research paper is determined by the diverse functioning of the speech acts in different styles of texts – what micro acts are in particular characteristic to the texts of TV ads of the products intended for men, and what micro acts are not functioning there at all. Based on the classification suggested by K. Bach, micro acts involved in TV commercials are classified into types and sub-types (for example, the representative speech acts are grouped as follows: confirmatory, informative acts, acts of proposition, etc.; the directive speech acts –encouraging acts, instructions, etc.), linguistic features of which reveal characteristic patterns of their usage. The target audience of men is commonly approached with confirmatory speech acts of the representative type showing that men prefer hearing clear and firm arguments rather than persuasive spiel or promises.

Authors and Affiliations

Rasa Dobržinskienė


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How To Cite

Rasa Dobržinskienė (2010). The Manifestation of Micro Acts in TV Commercials of the Products Intended for Men. Kalbu studijos / Studies about Languages, 17(0), 58-64.