The measurement of organizational processes in services - case studies
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2012, Vol 10, Issue 3
The article is devoted to the measurement of process with reference to services. The scheme of the basic metrics that could be utilised in evaluation of service processes is proposed. Then, separate measurements were assessed by means of practical measurements in selected service companies. The article employs the case study method, which were conducted in two service companies. In respect of service measures the five groups are proposed: time-related measures, measures related to the resources, measures of quality in a process, quality of process and the measures of efficiency. In the conducted case studies timerelated measures appeared very often, this confirms the assumptions derived from the literature that time characteristic are the key aspects of service processes. In the carried out measurements the measures of quality in processes were utilised very often as well. But there are groups of measures that were not appropriate to use for studied cases, they were the quality capability of process and efficiency assessment. However, in the course of studies in companies the need of new measures were appeared, it was for example the customer loyalty measured by a customers’ retain ratio. Both case studies show the deep legitimacy of service process measurement, as well as the benefits to the organizations resulting from the measurement.
Authors and Affiliations
Wiesław Urban
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