The Mission of the Guide-entertainer in the Development of Business Hospitality in Modern Ukraine


<strong>The purpose </strong>of the article is to analyse the mission of the guide-entertainer in the additional services development of a business hotel in Ukraine. <strong>The research methodology </strong>combines the systematization of information on the list of services of the guide-entertainer and comparison of qualification requirements for relevant professionals in France and Ukraine. <strong>The scientific novelty</strong> of the article is the identification of opportunities for the development of business hospitality in Ukraine by expanding the services of the hotel industry and increasing the number of high-qualified guides involved in providing services in the hotel industry. For effective implementation of the service, the guide-entertainer has conducted a simulation of the service process of providing services in the hotel, developed a functional block diagram of the service process. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The article notes that due to the simplification of the visa regime in the countries of the European Union, international business tourism is becoming even more attractive for Ukraine. Сurrently there is a lack of significant limitations in the provision of services to the hotel industry in Ukraine, the absence of international hotels of international categories and small investments for the construction of new hospitality facilities, insufficient information and the lack of highly qualified personnel in the hotel industry.

Authors and Affiliations

Karyna Svidlo


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  • EP ID EP575103
  • DOI 10.31866/2616-7468.1.2018.147398
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How To Cite

Karyna Svidlo (2018). The Mission of the Guide-entertainer in the Development of Business Hospitality in Modern Ukraine. Ресторанний і готельний консалтинг. Інновації, 0(1), 12-18.