The Model of Religious Education in the French Province of the Old Catholic Church of the Mariavites and in the Community of the Church of Sainte-Marie in Mont-Saint-Aignan
Journal Title: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie - Year 2019, Vol 22, Issue 1
The subject of the research is the model of religious education in the Province of the France of the Old Catholic Mariavites and in the Community of Sainte-Marie in Mont-Saint-Aignan. The research objective is to characterize the main areas of religious education of these religious communities; that is; pastoral counseling; liturgy and catechization. The research procedure was carried out using a set of pedagogical and theological research methods: interview (with the clergy); active (participant) observation; analysis of documents and historical-comparative method. The model of religious education; developed in these two independently existing Churches in France; indicates the response of Christian communities to religious needs in a secularized society. Through pastoral counseling; the recipients of which are not only members of these communities; but also Muslims; Jews; Hindus; agnostics or atheists; these communities have become known as places of spiritual support. A complementary element of counseling is catechization; and both these elements are aimed at introducing these subjects to liturgical life. However; it is not a closed model; focused on proselytizing; but rather an open one; aiming at restoring hope in secular and atheistic society.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Dariusz Mames
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