The number of kernel rows and kernel in a rаw in corn hybrids as affected by the elements of technology
Journal Title: Новітні агротехнології - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 5
Purpose. To find out the features of structural elements formation of maize hybrids, such as the number of rows and kernelss and in a raw as affected by seeding depth of and the seed fraction. Methods. We studied the following: effect of the seed fraction size (small, medium and large), seeding depths (4, 7 and 11 cm) on the number of kernel rows, number of kernels in a raw and other economically valuable traits in the tested maize hybrids of different maturity groups (early ripening ‘DKC 2960’ and ‘DKC 2971’, mid-early ripening ‘DKC 3472’and ‘DKC 3795’ and mid-ripening ‘DK 315’ and ‘DKC 4082’. Results. The effect of environmental conditions on the kernel row number and kernel number per row has been determined. Dependence of the kernel row number and kernel number per row on the seeding depth and seed size has been examined. The growth of genetic control of the kernel row number depending on the particular hybrid is outlined in comparison with the studied elements of the technology. Application of seeds having large linear size and an optimum seeding depth of 4–7 cm allows us to increase kernel number per row. Conclusions. There was no clear dependence of the change in the kernel row number as affected by the seeding depth found, which indicates a high genetic nature of determination of this trait. Kernel number per row increased when decreasing the seeding depth, with its greatest value achieved under the depth of 4 cm. Application of the medium and large seeds increased the value of kernel number per row by 0.2–2.1 compared to small seeds. It is established that sowing of medium and large seeds at the depth of 4–7 cm ensures optimal value of the investigated components of the yield structure of maize hybrid.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Palamarchuk
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