The Oder River as an Area of Socio-Professional Activity


The Oder provides opportunities and sets directions for social and professional activity. They are not only the result of the life cycle of the river but are also shaped by the physical and political environment which affects social development as well as cultural aspects including communication systems in the local community. Currently, most forms of activation are based mainly on the exchange of information and the development of theoretical and practical knowledge, which triggers innovation and new ideas. The main objective of the article is to describe the impact of the Oder river on the development of the city of Szczecin and its image, at the national and European level. The author gives examples of social and professional activation taking place along the river. This process results in the creation of thousands of stands and shops, which provide additional workplaces, significantly increase the social and professional attractiveness of Szczecin and its organizational potential, and most importantly, bring economic benefits in the form of additional revenues.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Nikołajew


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How To Cite

Jan Nikołajew (2018). The Oder River as an Area of Socio-Professional Activity. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 15(), 13-24.