The Paradigm of Comic in Press Satire of Galicia 20-30-s of the XXth Century

Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7


In the paradigm of comic and narrative models of humorous and satirical genres of Ukrainian press satire of Galicia in the 20-30-s of the XXth century are explored; the definite-thematic content and its specific peculiarities are found out in the works of Ukrainian satirists of this period: Lev Lepkyi, Stepan Cherentskyi, Viacheslav Budzinovskyi, Osip Nazaruk, Mykola Holubets and others.

Authors and Affiliations

Наталія Особа


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How To Cite

Наталія Особа (2018). The Paradigm of Comic in Press Satire of Galicia 20-30-s of the XXth Century. Філологічний дискурс, 0(7), 143-152.