The phenomenon of Polish music education

Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1


For centuries, in Poland there was a generational transmission of high-culture values, music including. It took place at home, school and church. The tradition of music teaching is very rich. After the World War II there was a real boom in the popularization of music and music education. What made a great achievement was a 3-level system of state-run music education. After the 1989 political turning point, this activity was significantly reduced and stopped. It clashed with the government’s financial policy and with social mentality – especially children’s and young people’s one. The situation when the majority of the society lacks high-culture needs puts particular educational responsibilities on musicians. It is necessary to gain an insight into current condition of education in terms of music teaching in all institutions and at all stages of development, as well as some teaching activity in a conventional way (first of all – school) and in the unconventional one, too.

Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Konaszkiewicz


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  • EP ID EP79380
  • DOI 10.5604/2392277X.1150102
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How To Cite

Zofia Konaszkiewicz (2014). The phenomenon of Polish music education. "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego", 1(1), 11-25.