The policy of "a powerful rise in agriculture" in the mid–1950s – mid–1960s and its results in Ukraine: the professional and production aspect
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія. - Year 2017, Vol 25, Issue 1
It is analyzed the results of the companies due to the providing with agricultural industry by the specialists with high and secondary agricultural education that are exampled in the politics of the state about the powered development of agrarian sphere of the country in a short period. It is mark that the results of realization of agrarian program that was made in 1953 in the part of intellectualization the material sphere of collective farms industry, were unidentified. From one side the radical organized economical changes were happened, the result of what was the change of accent in the system of formation the staffʼs potential of the village. During these changes the specialists were concentrated in the economies and were having the personal responsibilities for the results of actions of the serving and departments. The dates of transformation were accompanied as quantity and quality changes in the staff structure of the leading and governing links of collective farms. From the other side in the middle of 1960th the situation of their security was far away from the necessities of the material sphere of the village in the whole and also in the concrete directions of the agricultural industry.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Nikilev
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