The prediction of freediving achievements development based on analysis of world records set in the years 1993–2009
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 60
[b]Introduction.[/b] Human stay under water with breath hold is limited by production and accumulation in organism of carbon dioxide with simultaneous increase in oxygen shortage, high hydrostatic pressure in internalprzyspace, especially on chest and ears. Physical and mental predispositions as well as the age belong to basic factors determining human adaptive prospects in breath hold diving. Technical skills and experience are bound to these factors. Advances in freediving testify systematic development of human adaptive mechanisms in water.[b]Aim of the study.[/b] Evaluation and prediction of world records in freediving in individual competition, for men and women.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The research material consists of 220 world records obtained between 1993 and 2009 in men and women categories, regarding 8 freediving competitions. Results analyses were conducted in 5-years-long periods, computing the predictions for 2014.[b]Results.[/b] Conducted analyses show that world records in all freediving competitions from between 1993 and 2009 were beaten multiple times. Men more often than women have beaten world records, they also obtained better results. The largest progress was noted in Dynamic Apnea (DYN) and Dynamic Apnea Without Fins (DNF) as well as in Constant Weight Apnea Without Fins (CNF). The smallest increase in world records in freediving occurred in VWT (Variable Weight Apnea) and FIM (Free Immersion Apnea) in which success is determined not only by physical effort but also by increasing with depth water pressure.[b]Conclusions.[/b] By the year 2014 freediving world records should have been improved in all competitions, for women mostly there where the main role plays time of immersion and high hydrostatic pressure, and for men additionally physical effort.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Ostrowski, Arkadiusz Stanula, Marek Strzała, Mirosław Juszkiewicz, Witold Ziara
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