The presence, manifestation and essence of diphthongs in modern German.


The given article is devoted to the consideration of modern German diphthongs taking into account their historical development. The peculiarity of the vocalism of the contemporary German language is that there are diphthongs that make the language unique and inimitable. The presence of different views on the characterization of diphthongs in different languages suggests that it is almost impossible to provide a common unified characterization of this class of sounds. Diphthongs are living and specific language phenomena, the genesis of which dates back to the Pre-Germanic times. In the course of the historical development of the language they constantly changed their character and eventually acquired their constant state as attractors in Early New High German. After experiencing significant qualitative and quantitative changes, German diphthongs continue to be carriers of meaning while performing phonetic and grammatical functions. In the article the realization and functioning of three modern German diphthongs with different graphic representations on the basis of texts and dictionaries are investigated, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics are revealed, the frequency of the implementation of diphthongs in three positions in the word (anlaut, inlaut, auslaut) is established. It is proved that in Early New High German the old diphthongs continued to function and new ones appeared. The results of the study enabled their distribution in separate groups, taking into account their graphic representation, to determine the phonetic peculiarities of the diphthongs and their graphical realization in written form and to show a direct correlation between the time of origin of the diphthongs and the frequency of their implementation in the analyzed texts.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Глущенко


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How To Cite

О. В. Глущенко (2018). The presence, manifestation and essence of diphthongs in modern German.. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 9(), 51-55.