The reasons for architectural monuments destruction and methods of capacity reinforce for bases and fundaments
Journal Title: Підводні технології - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue
The main problem of monuments’ emergency state is poor condition of the bases and founda-tions often due to their moisture. Uneven foun-dations subsidence leads to redistribution of ef-forts in bearing constructions and static instabil-ity of the base-foundation-building system. That’s why any restoration starts with the re-moval of their emergency state. Using the example of Mykola Pritisk’s Church on Podil, where groundwater under-flooding caused the collapse in the south-eastern part of the building, describes how the restoration works on the monument, which be-gan with the reinforcement of damaged founda-tions and framework for static recovery of base-foundation-building system, measures to protect foundations and basements from under-flooding, ensuring reliable vertical and horizon-tal waterproofing for the basement walls and floors, and all the underground part of the church, and works for antiseptic treatment of bio-damaged and saline walls and plaster sur-faces. After that, the organization of reliable geodetic control for the structure deformation was ensured.
Authors and Affiliations
Mykola Orlenko
Информационно-аналитическая технология оптимального управления устойчивым развитием и функционированием систем водоснабжения
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