The relationship of serum testosterone, estradiol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate to erectile dysfunction in healthy, aging male.

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 8


The aim of this study was to evaluate serum testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and estradiol levels in normal aging men and these relationship with erectile function. In a study 179 men completed questionnaire International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), as a diagnostic tool for erectile dysfunction (ED). Patients were classified into 5 categories based on the scores. Serum total testosterone, DHEAS and estradiol was measured morning in all men. Mean age was 61.4 years. In these patients the prevalence of erectile dysfunction was estimated to be 53.6%. According to age the erectile dysfunction rate was 29,2% in the 40 to 49, 39,3% in the 50 to 59, 54.3% in the 60 to 69, 72,7% in the above 70 years group (p<0.05). The mean serum total testosterone and DHEAS significantly decreased with age (p<0.05) and were statistical significant lower in men with moderate and severe erectile dysfunctions according IIEF when compared with those without erectile dysfunction and with mild and mild to moderate. There was negative correlation between IIEF-5 score and testosterone levels (r=-0,34, p<0,05), estradiol and DHEAS levels did not correlate with IIEF-5 score. Conclusions: erectile dysfunctions decreased with aging ehilr testosterone and DHEAS levels decreased with aging. Men with erectile dysfunctions have lower testosterone and DHEAS levels. Testosterone levels showed a statistical significant negative correlation with erectile dysfunctions according IIEF-5.

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Rabijewski, Jarosław Kozakowski, Wojciech Zgliczyński


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Michał Rabijewski, Jarosław Kozakowski, Wojciech Zgliczyński (2010). The relationship of serum testosterone, estradiol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate to erectile dysfunction in healthy, aging male.. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 23(8), -.