The Right of Nations to Development and to Receive the Gospel by the Church’s Missionary Activity as a Reflection of Universal Human Rights
Journal Title: Roczniki Nauk Prawnych - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 4
The article addresses the importance of the Church’s missionary activity with respect to contemporary cultures and nations because she proclaims the Gospel and promotes the basic development in many corners of the world. By sending missionaries, the Church teaches the faith, Catechism, religious observances, life in accordance with the Commandments. She takes care of Christian formation of the faithful in a given particular Church. The Church organises pastoral and biblical apostolates in order to proclaim the light and hope of the Gospel in a way that is comprehensible to the modern man. It is argued in the article that the proper understanding of the missionary activity of the Church is essentially a realisation of universal human rights. The Church sees the need for respect of human rights on the part of world decision-makers; she appreciates the work of missionaries towards the good of nations and cultures, she sees a common denominator for evangelization and development of nations in terms of human rights. Provisions contained in covenants and treaties which guarantee the right to life and civilisational progress of all people are often disobeyed, therefore the Christ’s Church uses her authority to get involved in the process of evangelization activities and all types of activity intended to improve the communal life of people of good will.
Authors and Affiliations
Sylwester Kasprzak
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