The Role of a Multicultural Education in the Formation of Managerial Competence of Future Managers of Secondary Educational Establishments


The author analyses the main directions of a multicultural education of future managers of secondary educational establishments in the process of forming managerial competence. Also, the content of international documents has been highlighted and the importance of their study by students of magistracy, with a specialty in the “Management of Educational Institutions” has been determined.

Authors and Affiliations

Ірина М. Дарманська


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How To Cite

Ірина М. Дарманська (2016). The Role of a Multicultural Education in the Formation of Managerial Competence of Future Managers of Secondary Educational Establishments. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 11(), 105-112.