The Role of Chest X-ray in the Diagnosis of Pneumonia
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 5
Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. It is usually caused by infection with viruses or bacteria and less commonly other micro-organisms, certain drugs and other conditions such as autoimmune diseases. This study is a retrospective experimental study by using chest x-ray in the diagnosis of pneumonia. The study undertaken at King Abdul Aziz specialist Hospital, in the radiological department. The number of the patients involved in this study was 50 patients. All patients were suffering from pneumonia. The study showed that gender was semi same in catching the pneumonia 52% male, 48% female. The age of high incidence of pneumonia, was above 71, 11 patients 22%. The signs and symptoms of pneumonia were fever 50 patients 26%, cough 50 patients 26%, weight Loss 43 patients 23%, chest pain 41 patients 22%, and vomiting 6 patients 3%. The chest findings of the patients with pneumonia arranged from consolidation 41 patients 59%, midline shift 17 patients 25%, pleural Effusion 8 patients 12%, and fibrosis 3 patients 4%. Any one suffering from fever, chest pain and cough must contact the physician. Patients with chest pain, cough, and fever should be requested to do chest x-ray. Keywords: X-Ray- Chest-Pneumonia, pleural Effusion
Authors and Affiliations
E. Abd Elrahim, Ala. M. Abd Elgyoum, H. Osman, A. Elzaki, Ali. Yasen, Moh. Yasen, Ali Hassan
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