The role of imaging techniques in the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of atrial fibrillation ablation and choice of tools to perform the procedure

Journal Title: W Dobrym Rytmie - Year 2012, Vol 4, Issue 25


Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Various studies showed that the ablation of atrial fibrillation is more effective than antiarrhythmic drugs. There is a close relationship between the mechanisms of arrhythmias and anatomy and it provided to development of new imaging techniques. Different techniques use during AF ablation increased safety of transseptal puncture, helped in mapping pulmonary veins and left atrium, enabled the positioning of catheters and confirmed the catheter electrode/tissue contact. They have also been useful in indentifying and rectifying discontinuities within linear lesions. It can provide to increase efficacy and safety of AF catheter ablation. This article will focus on the role of imaging techniques in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. <br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Jędrzejczyk-Patej, Oskar Kowalski


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  • EP ID EP53636
  • DOI 10.5604/18967892.1026306
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How To Cite

Ewa Jędrzejczyk-Patej, Oskar Kowalski (2012). The role of imaging techniques in the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of atrial fibrillation ablation and choice of tools to perform the procedure. W Dobrym Rytmie, 4(25), 10-14.