The Russian Empire’s import of ships and support vessels during the First World War


The article reveals one of the least known pages trade ships and support vessels during the First world war. Disclosed the military-political background and the mechanism of acquisition by the government of the Russian Empire ships to navigate the Northern ports in 1914–1918. During the First world war the Russian fleet was at the expense of import supplies 4 ice-breaking ship, 9 steam yacht, 29 minesweepers and 11 submarines. The main theater of military operations, involving ships of foreign construction became the White sea. The isolation of the Northern theater of military operations from major shipbuilding centers in Russia and at the same time the strategic importance of Northern ports for military supplies made of the Naval General staff in the formation of the Flotilla of the Arctic ocean to make a major bet on the ordering of ships abroad. It should be noted that this article is part of a global research themes on the study of the history of the import of warships in the second half of the XIX–XX centuries a Gradual study of these issues in various States will continue to reveal another historical gap in the history of commercial activities of mankind.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Морозов


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How To Cite

О. В. Морозов (2016). The Russian Empire’s import of ships and support vessels during the First World War. Історія торгівлі, податків та мита, 1(), 157-164.