The shift trajectory of the mandible along the skull.
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2012, Vol 65, Issue 3
The following considerations refer to the path of such movements of the mandible, at which execution the occlusal surfaces of the rows of teeth in contact or pressure, maybe with a thin layer of food between, are shifting along each other, also movements, which can be executed as a lateral version and sagittal shift of the mandible isolated or in connection with biting off it as happens often as a mandibular backward slide. The course of this movement, which serve specifically for the grinding of the food, depends not only on the mechanical aspect of the temporo-mandibular joints as such properly, but will be determined very strongly by the configuration of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. Accordingly, both are in a harmonious way adapted to each other. However, this relation has not been detected by the previous researchers. The opinion ( however at a study of the lowering of the mandible) gained by Langer that the mandibular condyle moves in a sagittal direction around the lower surface of the Tuberculum Glenoid in a curve which is concentrical to the curve of this Tuberculum and who’s axis is inside of it, is not correct, at least conducting a movement with the teeth pressed against each other.
Authors and Affiliations
Ferdinand Spee
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