The synergetics of the semantic decoding of the nouns with gender roles in the Germanlanguage press


<p>The article focuses on the interaction of syntagmatic, semantic and paradigmatic factors in the generation of noun content with the category of gender in the German language according to the linguosynergetic scientific approach, which treats the language as a complex and dynamic system capable of self-organizing and self-regulating by selecting the most optimal and most comfortable elements of speech tools to the language treasury. Methodologically important in the article is the position that the synergetic law of the least effort is the driving factor in language development. In relation to the noun, the synergetic mechanism of least effort in the process of generating noun-information speech content implies that the human mental lexicon is directed at decoding the optimal volume of the realized semantic potential of monosemic and polysemic word models. The study describes the build-up and inherent regulation of the polysemic/monosemic nouns semantic model in the synergetic cycle <em>order-chaos-order </em>thus enriching the German linguistics with the topical knowledge about the paradigmatic-syntagmatic models of the German language noun vocabulary. The results of the study were obtained under synergetic-quantitative approach and then extrapolated to the linguosynergetic models of noun name self-organization by the principle of least effort that directs the human mental lexicon to the optimal decoding of the actual information-semantic potential of polysemantic or monosemantic nouns in correlation with the grammar category of gender in German-language publicistic texts.</p>

Authors and Affiliations

В. Дребет


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How To Cite

В. Дребет (2018). The synergetics of the semantic decoding of the nouns with gender roles in the Germanlanguage press. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна: Серія «Іноземна філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов», 87(), 35-43.