The System of Theatre “Experiences” in the Context of the Theatrical Education Problems


<strong>The purpose of the article</strong> is to rethink the concept of the theater system “experiences” in the context of the problems of educating the actor and in determining the essence of the creative process of “experiencing” at the present stage of the development of theatrical art. <strong>Methodology of the investigation </strong>consists<strong> </strong>of the conceptual methodological core of the study, they are a comparative, semiotic, etymological and analytical analysis of Stanislavsky’s teaching about the theater of “experience”. <strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>novelty of work</strong> consists in analyzing the contradictions inherent in Stanislavsky’s teaching about the theater of “experience”, in sharpening the attention to the problem of inconsistency with its modern requirements for scenic truth and in determining ways to resolve this contradiction. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> 1. The division of theatrical art into directions: the theater of “experience” and the theater of “representation” is an anachronism that does not correspond to either the nature of the actor’s creativity or the world of theatrical practice. 2. The dogmatism of theatrical education damages the process of educating the actor, hindering the overall development of theatrical art.

Authors and Affiliations

Valeriy Patsunov


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  • EP ID EP575089
  • DOI 10.31866/2616-759x.1.2018.144969
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How To Cite

Valeriy Patsunov (2018). The System of Theatre “Experiences” in the Context of the Theatrical Education Problems. Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Сценічне мистецтво, 0(1), 125-131.