The temporal dynamics of the mollusca popolation abundance of the technosol in Nikopol manganese ore basin


The regularities of the dynamics of terrestrial mollusk populations that have formed on the artificial soillike structures: on pedozems and sod-lithogenic soils on red-brown clay, gray-green clay and loam loesses-like clays were revealed. The studies were conducted during 2012– 2014 years on the remediation station of Nikopol manganese ore basin in Pokrov. Each site within the ranges studied was examined three times a year: in spring (early May), summer (end of June) and autumn (late September - early October). Within tehnozems investigated it was found the presence of four species of terrestrial molluscs: Brephulopsis cylindrica, Monacha cartusiana, Chondrula tridens and Helix lucorum. The number of shellfish in the investigated B. cylindrica biotopes ranges from 3.68 ± 0.43 to 74,55 ± 4 46 ind. / m2. The most favorable conditions for this type of snails are formed in the sod-lithogenic soils to gray-green clays and loesses-like clays. A common feature is the tendency to reduce the number of shellfish throughout the year. Number of clam M. cartusiana investigated in habitats in the range from 2.25 ± 0.27 to 18.64 ± 1.08 ind./m2. The most favorable conditions for this species of snails are formed in sod lithogenic soils on loam and loesses-like clays on red-brown clays. The general trend is a decrease in the number of shellfish in the summer and the number of stabilization during the summer and autumn. Number Ch. tridens ranges from 1.38 ± 0.20 to 11.90 ± 1.06 ind./m2. The greatest population density Ch. tridens for sod-lіtogennih loam soils on loesses-like clays. The seasonal aspect of population dynamics is characterized by the maximum and minimum spring – summer. Mollusk Helix lucorum consistently found in sod-lithogenic soils on loams and often loesses-like clays consistently met in 2012 and 2013. in the biotope at the gray-green clay. The results can be applied to solve problems zoological tehnozems diagnosis. Also a promising area of research is to assess the functional role of terrestrial molluscs community structure mezopedobionts tehnozems. The knowledge of the dynamics of terrestrial molluscs community will help address issues of management functional properties recultozems models.

Authors and Affiliations

K. V. Kovalenko


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  • EP ID EP661135
  • DOI 10.31548/bio2019.01.006
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How To Cite

K. V. Kovalenko (2019). The temporal dynamics of the mollusca popolation abundance of the technosol in Nikopol manganese ore basin. Біоресурси і природокористування [Biological Resources and Nature Management], 11(1), 51-58.