Theoretical Aspects of the Development of a Structural-procedural Model of Forming the IC-competence of Future Specialists in Preschool Education


The article describes a structural and procedural model of forming the informational and communicative competence of future specialists of preschool education, which is used to systematize the process of their vocational training in order to meet the demand for qualified specialists in preschool education with a high level of information and communication competence. The structural-procedural model is consistent with the logic of the educational process and takes into account its content, pedagogical conditions, teaching and methodological support, and how these aspects affect the organization of the process of developing information and communicative competence of future specialists in pre-school education. The proposed structural and procedural model consists of three interconnected blocks: methodological-target, content-operational, effective. Application of the model has a significant impact on the content of the educational process, the choice of forms, methods, means of learning and, of course, on the end result.

Authors and Affiliations

Світлана Семчук


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How To Cite

Світлана Семчук (2018). Theoretical Aspects of the Development of a Structural-procedural Model of Forming the IC-competence of Future Specialists in Preschool Education. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 14(), 63-76.