There is also techno in the West: gatherings, dialogues and circulation in Buenos Aires dance scene
Journal Title: Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales - Year 2011, Vol 4, Issue 4
Based on an ethnographic study of Buenos Aires dance scene, this article describes the character de-centered, multi-centered, interconnected and transverse installation dynamics of ownership, differentiation and social hierarchies that accompany the local context development of this musical and dance phenomenon. By this, we describe the local dance scene as a socioaesthetic phenomenon where the expression of plurality and heterogeneity (and thereby its local particularity) question or deviate from interpretations concerned associate and / or correspond social sectors and cultural productions. Then, we analyzes the presence of circuits of production, distribution and consumption of urban dance music, joints and social sectors “beyond” of the social and bibliographically music associated with this feld (specifcally the idea of popular identifcation outside electronic phenomenon).
Authors and Affiliations
Guadalupe M. Gallo
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