Tissue doppler echocardiography for evaluating left ventricular functions in obese children
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2013, Vol 40, Issue 1
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of childhood obesity on ventricular functions using tissue Doppler echocardiography. Materials and methods: The mitral tissue Doppler signals were recorded in the apical four-chamber view, with the sample volume placed at the lateral walls of mitral annulus. The mitral flow was examined with the sample Pulse Doppler positioned parallely to flow just at the orifice of the mitral leaflets. Twenty obese (mean age, 161.5±25.8 months) and 20 healthy children (mean age, 151.2±33.5 months) were included to this study. Results: Body mass index (BMI) was significantly higher in obese group (30.92±6.87). Isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) which is one of the left ventricular (LV) diastolic function parameters was 66.10±7.30 ms in obese group, and 58.70±9.06 ms in the control group. IVRT was significantly higher in the obese group (p=0.007). In obese group, the mitral annulus tissue Doppler E velocity was decreased, flow velocity was increased and decrement in Em/Am ratio was significant. We found significant negative correlation between BMI and LV Em/Am ratio. Myocardial performance index (MPI) in obese group and control group was 0.50±0.07 and 0.41±0.04, respectively (p<0.001). Between MPI and LV Em/Am ratio there was a significant negative correlation while MPI showed positive correlation with BMI. In obese group septal and LV posterior wall thickness was shown to be significantly increased compared to the control group (p<0.001). Conclusion: Our findings, may be important for determination of the relationship between obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in children. Tissue Doppler echocardiographic imaging may be useful in revealing this relationship. Key words: obesity, doppler echocardiography, ventricular dysfunction
Authors and Affiliations
Mecnun Çetin, Mustafa Çağlayan, Münevver Yıldırımer, Baran Kızılyıldız, Murat Deveci, Şenol Coşkun
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